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Services or Offerings?
This service can be used to ask for assistance if you are not sure which form to use or if you are having trouble signing into a campus system.

Have an issue with Colleague or Self-Service?

Having issues with a SWOSU owned computer or a related computer accessory?

Having issues with GoSWOSU or Single Sign On?

Having issues with a Microsoft application such as Outlook, Word, or Excel?

Submit your content to be included in SWOSU's weekly newsletter. This form is for sharing announcements, such as upcoming academic deadlines and reminders, providing information about new features and services, and detailing upcoming events.

Submit a request for an office move, equipment move, or a directory update.

Having issues with a printer or scanner?

Report an issue with the Rave alert system.

Report a suspicious email, phishing email, or spam email.

Submit all web related requests here.

Wired network connectivity to offices, classrooms, and other.

Wireless (WiFi) connectivity

Have an issue with an audio or video related device?

Request an Ellucian Colleague Action Line case to be opened.